Esta sembradora de fácil uso y es ideal para hacer una capa espesa de césped y relleno en puntos desgastados o pelados.
• The spiker tine assembly is ground driven, and simply provides seed pockets.
• Heavy duty “drop” seeder with stirring shaft
•On/off control lever (accessible to operator from the seat of the tractor).
• Quick adjust calibrator dial.
• Complete with seed hopper lid.
• The heavy duty spring tilth tines on the long tine rake loosen existing soil for seed coverage.
• Standard Category 1 – Three Point Hitch
• Main frame equipped with tray to carry additional bags of seed
• Quick adjustable screw jacks allow accurate and independent tool operation, if necessary.
Seeding Rates: 50 to 175 pounds per acre. (Per single pass)
Cultivation and Seeding Width: 5 feet
Hopper Capacity: 150 lbs.